Intelligence expert, Dr. Steve Pieczenik says arrests are imminent as part of a sting operation that took place during the USA Election.
Pieczenik, an expert in psychological warfare, counterintelligence and covert operations, made the announcement on radio show The War Room with host Owen Shroyer on Thursday afternoon.
He said election ballots were watermarked and tracked to expose fraudulent voting efforts by the Democratic Party.
“This is the biggest sting operation probably in our country that we ever had,” said Pieczenik. “This has been a setup by Trump for a long, long time.”
Pieczenik served as the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State under Presidents Nixon, Ford, Carter and Bush Sr. He was a Senior Policy Planner under President Reagan.
On today’s show he also stated that the 20,000 National Guards were deployed in 12 states over the past 48 hours and arrests will be starting immediately.
“They are coming, not just down the road, they are being implemented,” Pieczenik said. “People will be arrested as of tonight, tomorrow and it will go on for quite a while. And this was a total sting operation.”
Pieczenik told Shroyer that Trump and loyal members of the intelligence community set up a sophisticated operation to track all the mail-in ballots. They now have evidence to show the Democrats attempted to steal the election through voter fraud.
“We watermarked every ballot with what is called the QFS blockchain encryption code,” he explained. “It’s a very hard encryption code to break.
“These are cyber communications implementations that we have the code for and we know exactly what was thrown away, we know exactly what was placed, we know exactly who has it and we know exactly where it went.
“The corruption in the mail, the corruption the USPS, the corruption with the Democrats everywhere and anywhere, there was no surprise here.”
Pieczenik stated that this sting is a counter-coup against the Democrats many attempts to get Trump out of office.
“This is not a stolen election,” said Pieczenik. “On the contrary, we reversed the entire game of war along the lines of Sun Tzu, the art of war and Trump was brilliant and still is brilliant at it.
“In the art of the war, you pull back and allow your enemy to make all the mistakes that they are making, manipulate the situation, expose them and then come in for the final killing. And that’s what’s happening now.”
NOTE: Free North News cannot confirm the validity of Dr. Pieczenik’s comments. We are merely reporting what he is saying. You can watch the full interview below.
Watch the full interview:

Frank Nicolosi
November 6, 2020 at 6:55 am
Since candidates are different state by state how could feds have codes them for a sting? I’m doubtful we can do this.
David baxter
December 2, 2020 at 3:40 am
The paper was provided by the federal government. The paper contained the mark.
November 6, 2020 at 8:24 pm
I have the same question. As much as I wish it were so, you are asking us to believe the impossible. Your poorly written article is another giveaway.
November 6, 2020 at 10:40 pm
If Homeland Security, which has jurisdiction over Federal elections ,provided specific states with the paper used for the mail in and absentee ballots, then it would be on each legitimate ballot regardless of which contracting printing company generated the ballot
Wayne Johnson
November 7, 2020 at 9:05 pm
So in unsupervised mail in ballot counting rooms you’re saying legitimate Trump votes could have been substituted by fraudulent Biden votes? It will be a long recount…
B.Kiss-Tóth László
November 8, 2020 at 8:49 pm
Vajon, az összes szavazólap vízjeles volt? Javaslom, hogy a fel nem használt szavazólapokat is számolják össze, és nézzék át őket, hogy nincsenek-e közöttük fénymásolt példányok. Mert kivehették az eredeteiket például az elhunytak vagy a biztosan nem szavazók szavazásához. Vagy csak azért, hogy Bident húzzák be rajta és helyette berakják a nem eredetit. A fel nem használtakat meg gondolom kötegelik és a köteg vastagságának meg kell lennie, hogy ne legyen gyanús!
November 11, 2020 at 7:36 am
So…this sounds as beleiveable as if it came from q anons own lying thread.
James Allen Ford
November 11, 2020 at 9:38 pm
Why post a story with information from one source that you cannot confirm. Are you not a journalist? Previously the story said something like “arrests to come by Friday” which would have been a few days ago now. Since obviously nothing came of this you’ve updated your copy to suggest that arrests are now “imminent.” I don’t suggest anyone holds their breath.
Also troubling is the dateline “Published four days ago.” This is not true because I found your article by clicking on a repost on Facebook FIVE DAYS AGO. Why change that? Oh right, so you can edit at will and not disclose how you are doctoring your story to match when your facts don’t pan out. FAKE NEWS.
Ryan Craswell
November 12, 2020 at 12:07 am
Hey James. The story never said “arrests to come by Friday”. There was no change here, but I added the note about the claims being unverified cause it’s obvious, I have no connections inside the White House or Trump admin team. It’s up to the reader to decide if they believe the source based on his qualifications. Obviously, what he said was coming hasn’t occurred yet. He is an “insider” so take what you want from it.
The dateline is an automatic calculation by WordPress.
Richard Lingensjo
December 22, 2020 at 2:15 pm
Representative McClintock
( official stationary )
Richard Lingensjo
6100 Horseshoe Bar Road
Loomis, CA 95650
Chief Justice Roberts was cowered by antifa terrorist; Trump’s three PC justices allowed the cowardice failure. A few months ago the USA Supreme Court accepted illegal aliens “standing” to hear the dreamer DACA case. Now, SCOTUS didn’t accept standing for Citizens of Texas.
On 6 January 2021, the President of the US Senate, Vice President Pence, will preside over the counting of Electoral College votes. Precedent provides, during those procedures, when one House member combined with one Senate member challenges a State’s documentation a hearing is required.
As your Representative, Tom McClintock, I hereby commit to stand-up during the vote count and demand all vote fraud counts be overturned. Energetic, aggressive and attack mode argued, Trump will serve a second term.
{ note: If you fail me and other military Veterans, I will fight to primary you in 2022. I have plenty of free time to knock on doors, attend meetings, work the net and telephone. We will replace you in humiliation. }
Signed Tom McClintock
Hand delivered Roseville office Mon 21 Dec 2020
Your (Tom’s) reply immediately to:
Instructions: edit this letter, then hand deliver to your Federal Reps local office.
#2 hand deliver (long distance then email) to your Federal Senators’ State office.
#3 distribute digital letters on the net by email, facebook, etc.
#4 copy paper letters and distribute to everyone you know or meet.