Did President Donald Trump’s speech last Wednesday set the stage for military intervention in the 2020 election process?
While Trump spent 46 minutes outlining evidence of voter fraud, there could have been a hidden message in his carefully selected and scripted words.
“Trump invoked a section of the September, 12, 2018 executive order,” said Mike Adams of NaturalNews on his Dec. 3 podcast. “He took this election dispute out of the realm of just vote mistakes and inadvertent things into the realm of criminal fraud and foreign interference in US elections.”
Adams is referencing the Executive Order on Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election.
In the order, which can be read at WhiteHouse.gov, Trump declared a national emergency while stating “the unauthorized accessing of election and campaign infrastructure or the covert distribution of propaganda and disinformation, constitutes an unusual or extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States.”
According to Adams, Trump’s speech echoed wording of the executive order on numerous occasions. This was apparently by design to tie the evidence Trump has to that order.
“This wasn’t an off-the-cuff, Trump impromptu thing,” said Adams. “This was very carefully scripted.”
“He’s establishing now that this election is in violation of his September 12, 2018 executive order that speaks to election interference.”
During his speech, Trump specifically named China as a foreign country meddling in the election, tied Democrat initiatives to the election fraud and he has continually implied that the media and tech companies are complicit through suppression of news and censorship.
“This is setting up Trump and the military option… It’s part of a battle plan. This is a declaration of who the enemies are,” said Adams.
“The purpose of Trump’s speech to America was not to really inform the American people. It was, in fact to communicate… to lay the legal framework to invoke the Sept. 12, 2018 executive order.”
The military option could involve the seizure of ballots for an audit or nullification of the election and arrests of those who plotted to alter the results.
“Trump is asserting that he cannot turn over the White House to someone controlled by an enemy of the United States because that would violate Trump’s own sworn oath to the constitution,” said Adams. “That oath of office… says you must defend the United State of America and the United States constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic.”
“Joe Biden is recognized as a domestic enemy against the United State because of his ties to communist China.”
I highly recommend listening to Adams full take on the podcast attached below. He also notes that he heard through a source that Nancy Pelosi and former CIA director John Brennan made recent trips to Guantanamo Bay.