Plandemic Nurses Just Say NO To COVID Shot Nurses across the country are refusing to take the COVID Vaccine as Big Pharma’s propaganda machine pushes it on the masses. Ryan CraswellDecember 18, 2020
Vaccines WATCH: Doctors Worldwide Agree COVID Vaccine Not Safe or Effective Ryan CraswellDecember 8, 2020
Plandemic Fauci Challenged: Vaccine Dangerous & Unnecessary, Zero science for lockdowns & masks says microbiologist Anytime, anywhere in the world. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi has challenged Dr. Anthony Fauci. The duel, if Dr. Anthony Fauci accepts, will however take place... Ryan CraswellDecember 4, 2020
Canada Guinea Pigs: Canadian “vaccine” to include controversial mRNA technology, UK preps for vaccine injuries Canadians at the front of the line for the COVID-19 “vaccine” will be guinea pigs for a controversial technology. The Pfizer and Moderna “vaccines”... Ryan CraswellDecember 1, 2020
Vaccines COVID Connection? 50+ dead, hundreds ill after getting flu shot Updated to include latest death count as of Monday, Oct. 26. The Korean Medical Association is calling on the South Korean government to end... Ryan CraswellOctober 26, 2020
Politics Censored: Doctor details scary truth surrounding Covid-19 Vaccines Ryan CraswellOctober 14, 2020