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Piezcenik Doubles Down: Sting Op Ongoing, Arrests Made, Biden wearing Ankle Bracelet

Dr. Steve Piezcenik doubled down on his post election claims that a Sting Operation is ongoing and Joe Biden will never be President.

Appearing today on the Alex Jones Show, the intelligence insider claimed an election fraud sting operation was continuing and suggested Joe Biden’s ankle issue is actually an ankle bracelet.

Piecenik has served under five presidents and is considered an expert in psychological warfare and political psychology. Two days after the November election, he went on the radio claiming that ballots were watermarked and tracked with QFS lockchain encryption in a sting operation designed to expose fraudulent voter schemes.

He also claimed the National Guard was deployed to start making arrests.

Today, Pieczenik reiterated that the sting operation is still taking place. He said more than 300 arrests have been made in Florida as part of a pedophile ring, and the take down of the deep state continues.

“The military has been deployed all over the United States,” he said. “At the same time, I will guarantee you Biden will not become President of the United States because right now he’s wearing, possibly, an ankle bracelet.”

“What’s happening now in every state, every county. we know the governors, the political operatives, the people on the ground who are corrupt. This is a massive massive amount of corruption.”

Pieczenik’s claims about military deployment do line up with information supplied by MonkeyWerxUS on YouTube. The flight tracking guru has pointed out an increase of military flights across the USA and suggested there were likely some troop movements as well.

What are your takes on Pieczenik’s comments? Is he legit or simply leading people on?

You can watch the entire interview here:

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Written By

Ryan Craswell is a 2001 graduate of the Holland College Journalism Program in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island. He has worked in print media with The Eastern Graphic newspaper in PEI along with the Truro Daily News and Amherst Daily News in Nova Scotia. Ryan has also been an editor in online sports media but more recently has worked in marketing content. He created Free North News in October 2020 and is committed to delivering honest insight and news that the corporate, mainstream media fails to cover.

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